Our Services
Corporate Governance & Strategic Advisory Services

Corporate Governance practices for any particular Organisation is required to be tailor made and designed to meet the overall business objectives of that particular Organization. One size definitely does not fit all.  Also, the Corporate Governance model established once in any Organization, however successful it is, need not necessarily meet its requirements for ever. As the business grows or as the business objectives change or as the business environment changes, the Organizations also should change their Corporate Governance systems to survive, sustain and grow in the changing environment.

Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy (EEC) has the capability to support the governance needs of various Clients in respect of the following:

  • Independent assessment of the current governance practices;
  • Design of Board and Committee charters as well as its Delegation of Authority (DOA) and its Policies;
  • Evaluation of the performance of Board and its Committees;
  • Assurance Mapping for the Board and Risk & Audit Committees;
  • Provide advice on Strategic Governance aspects, to Boards and CEO’s.

Our specialists with extensive experience within and outside UAE, have a very good understanding of the governance challenges that an Organization may face in respect of the above issues across multiple jurisdictions and can provide the above services for the Organizations in the following key Sectors:

  • Hydrocarbon Exploration & Development
  • Gas Processing
  • Refineries
  • Petrochemicals
  • Power Generation & Distribution
  • Rail Transportation (Bulk Materials)
  • Pipeline Transportation (Gas / Oil / Refinery Products)